Overwhelm: To Cover Over Completely or To Overpower in Thought or Feeling
Do you experience overwhelm in your life? Do you feel like you have the job of two parents? Do you long for a spouse you could talk to about your children’s dilemmas or even their cute idiosyncrasies, someone who is vested in your kids as much as you are?
Personally, I had primary custody the first few years which eventually changed to shared custody, but I still felt very alone in raising my sons. When they were with me, I felt like I was playing the role of two parents.
All the full time household responsibilities as well as the emotional support needed to run a family were on me. People would often say to me “how nice you have time to yourself”, but in reality my list of things to do left me with little time for myself. (An article on self care is in the works! It is important!)
When the boys were gone. I would fix things in the house, do the budget, or work in the yard. Part of me enjoys those things; sometimes I still like to mow the lawn.
However, as a single parent, some days my tears fell with the never ending fallen leaves as I raked them up. It all seemed like too much.
I find it interesting that some synonyms for overwhelm/overwhelmed have to do with water – swamped, drowning, or flooded (as in emotions). Many days I would say I was “barely keeping my head above water.” The water references bring this scripture to mind.
When you go through deep waters and great trouble, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown! Isaiah 43:2 NLT
Pour Out Your Heart
So what can you do when you feel overwhelmed by responsibilities or emotions? Interestingly, one of the antonyms of overwhelm is surrender.
Get out a piece of paper right now, I mean now! Write down every emotion, concern, and burden you are carrying. Pour out your heart!
Trust in Him at all times, O people;
Pour out your heart before Him;
God is a refuge for us. Psalm 62:8 NASB
Even if you are not sure yet if you believe in God or maybe you feel like your faith is so small, do it! Surrender your list to Him. Ask Him to partner with you. You are not alone.
Why Surrender to God?
The scripture passage goes on to say…
because you are precious to me and honored, and I love you. Isaiah 43:4
He cares for you and your children. He is vested in your children too.
Seek Emotional Support
- If you need someone to talk to, do not hesitate to find a counselor. I did for many years. It is well worth the investment. If money is a constraint or insurance does not cover counseling, can you find a mentor who is willing to talk and pray with you on a regular basis?
- Find a DivorceCare group in your area. Just type in your state and it will give you a schedule of which groups are currently meeting.
Nowadays, I seek after fallen leaves because I make rich, beautiful compost from them. Broken down they make a “gardener’s gold” for my garden. When we surrender our “fallen leaves” to God, something beautiful can grow. The dead leaves break down and eventually provide new life for the seeds planted in it.
And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28
- Get a notebook dedicated to a daily practice of laying down your burdens before God.
- Find a scripture that is meaningful to you to quote when you are feeling overwhelmed.
- And if you are wondering if “overwhelm” is not just a verb, but also a noun?!
Stay tuned for Part 2 of Overwhelm. Next week I will have practical tips for the more physical realm of life!
I am constantly looking for recipes that are one dish wonders, meaning they have meat and veggies all in one.
Here is a fall recipe from Well Plated by Erin that we have been making for a few years. If your family is not keen on brussel sprouts, you can replace it with another green veggie like asparagus.