Back to School Prayers: Ready, Set…Pray

Ready, Set

If you try to seize the day, the day will eventually break you.

Seize the corner of his garment and don’t let go until he blesses you.

He will reshape the day.

From A Praying Life by Paul E. Miller 

Ready, Set, Go…the morning rush is off. Kids to wake (multiple times), breakfast to put on the table, backpack and lunches to pack, sometimes snow to shovel off the driveway!

I remember those mornings well. My alarm would ring, the coffee would be set to brew, I would shower, grab my devotional basket, lug it to the kitchen table and enjoy my sweet time with Jesus before waking up the boys…

However, many mornings were not picture perfect. There were mornings I rose at 4 am to do lesson plans because the night before I crashed as soon as the boys were in bed. (I am not a night owl!) Prayer seemed to be on the back burner.

On the days I was trying to squeeze in prayer, I learned to have a few resources with pre-written prayers on hand. Below are some that have helped me connect with God and calm my mind before the rush was on.

Prayer Book Resources

This is my most used prayer book. I love that it has a prayer on the left page for the mom and a prayer on the right page for children. There is also lines on the bottom so  you can add your own thoughts.

Even on days I am not rushed, I tend to start my prayer time with this book to get myself focused. 

Single Dads, I did not forget you! There is also a prayer book with a similar format by the same author for parents.

The Power of a Praying Parent Book of Prayers

These two books are similar in nature. Although they have chapters to read, at the end of each discussion on the topic are short prayers to pray that correlate with the topic.

On days I have more time, I like to copy the prayers specific to that child under their name in my prayer journal.

Then on days I am pressed for time, I grab my journal and choose one. If the prayers are copied in your journal, you can also add dates prayed. When you see some growth in that area, write a praise next to it. 

Comment Below: Share below how you fit prayer into your life.

What resources have been helpful for you?

Read more about praying for your children in Sending Your Child Clothed in Prayer

Read more about the importance of prayer in a parent’s life in  Equipped to Lead as a Single Parent-Part 2

Grain Free Waffles

I looked for a grain free and gluten free waffle recipe for a while. These are the best! My daughter requested them for the first day of school. However, these are labor intensive. The egg whites need to be whipped separately. If you are looking for a quick morning breakfast, try our Skillet Pancake.

Visit the recipe page for other healthy recipes.

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