Aimee Cooks
Nourishment for the Single Parent’s Soul
My name is Aimee Cooks and I do love to cook. However, more than that I love God’s Word which is nourishment for my soul. I have been married, divorced, and was a single mom to my two wonderful sons for many years. I am now remarried with a beautiful tapestry of a blended family adding two stepchildren and our adopted daughter who we have the joy of watching become her God-given self. I have a heart for single parents and children growing up in divorced homes. Join me here for some nourishment for your soul as well as a side dish of some healthy recipes for your family.
Aimee Cooks
The Lord says,
"All you who are thirsty, come and drink..... Listen closely to me, and you will eat what is good. You will enjoy the food that satisfies your soul..."
Isaiah 55:1-2 NCV