My Health Journey

I share my health journey because I suffered way too long before I found answers to my digestive conundrums. I actually feel better now in my fifties than I did in my twenties.  I share my health journey because we are not one dimensional beings. We are triune beings created in the image of a triune God. Taking care of our physical bodies is important too. 
From college on, and when I really think about it, probably starting in high school, I had stomach discomfort and sometimes pain so bad I could not function. When I went to a gastroenterologist, I was told I had IBS and was given a list of vegetables to avoid.
Food was not enjoyable because it caused me pain. The momentary joy of eating quickly gave way to bloating, gas pain, etc. This continued for 13 years ending up with a diagnosis of hypothyroidism and a pending diagnosis of lupus. By this time, I was a single mom and needed to feel good to keep up with my boys. In desperation, I tried the 40 Day Maker’s Diet by Jordan Rubin which starts out completely gluten-free. I finally, finally got relief. However, sprouted wheat bread was eventually  reintroduced on this diet. When I tried to eat any form of gluten, symptoms returned. Because I was not eating gluten, I could not have the actual celiac test. However, I went to the University of Chicago Celiac Disease Center to get gene testing done. I have both genes. I did this for my own peace of mind. My body had already told me.
I also discovered being grain-free. The paleo diet seemed to resonate the most with me and that is pretty much what I have followed for over 15 years. I also dapple with a lectin-free diet because of the stiffness I tend to feel in my body. 
If you desire to live your optimal health I highly recommend the book, Going Against the Grain:  How Reducing and Avoiding Grains Can Revitalize Your Health by Melissa Diane Smith. Whereas so many health writers become money makers by trying to sell their products, Smith remains true to her call. I also recommend The Wheat Belly: Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight, and Find Your Path Back to Health written by cardiologist William Davis, a fellow Wisconsinite.
I will also note that we keep our daughter gluten free because we notice significant behavioral changes whenever we let her cheat on gluten. There may never be a “scientific” test for this, but we trust our “gut” as parents. (pun intended)
I have no nutritional training, so I give no medical advice. However, I share gluten-free, grain-free, refined-sugar-free recipes that my family loves and we think your family will too, whether or not you have allergies.